Post Storm Update from Deb

11 Oct by Debbie Voiles

As we adjust to the new normal, let’s focus on the fact that we still have each other, and that we are much stronger, together. If you need help, please use the contact form on the website or respond to this email, and I will spread the word.

Personally, I’m in Tennessee. I evacuated to my son’s home, but I will likely be back by Monday. Thanks to all who reached out to check on me.

Run Tampa activities may be impacted for weeks – or months – as some of our group run locations will not be options due to flooding or damage. Keep an eye out for updates.
*Saturday’s race, the Tampa Police Memorial Run is cancelled.
*Sunday’s Dunedin Run is cancelled.
*Wednesday’s Hyde Park Village Night Run may take place. Stay tuned.
*Saturday, October 19th, the Flatwoods Run will likely need to be moved.
*Thursday, October 17th, the party is cancelled.
*Please reach out with any information about conditions at our group run locations. Use the contact form on the website or reply to this message.
We will get through this. It is the toughest times that unite us and make us strong.

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